When I was a kid I was obsessed with dinosaurs! Dinosaur toys. Dinosaur books. Dinosaur clothes, posters models and more! I’m sure some parents can relate… I was entirely enamored by these incredible, mysterious animals that, just possibly, walked on the same ground where I was walking. From Diplodocus to Triceratops to (of course!) Tyrannosaurus, I simply couldn’t get enough.
I remember getting in trouble for drawing dinosaurs in the margins of my math text book. I remember falling asleep clutching the neck of my stuffed Brontosaurus. It’s always been about dinosaurs, they’ve been my constant, my security blanket. As an adult, they still mean so much to me, I never outgrew them.
I still have my stuffed Brontosaurus!
Why do kids love dinosaurs so much? I mean, beyond the fact that they are so incredibly cool. When I visit Kindergarten classes, there are always a couple of kids that are the exact same kind of kid that I was. They know the names of obscure dinosaurs. They can tell a Triceratops from a Styracosaurus. Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs! We are the same, but why?
For me, it’s always been about imagination. Dinosaurs require a strong imagination to bring their fossils to life. Thinking about their colour. Trying to figure out how they hunted. Looking across a snowy field and imagining a herd of Parasaurolophus grazing. Do those duck-bills have stripes?
More than that, it’s about critical thinking and fostering a life-time love of learning. Dinosaurs are constantly being discovered. New evidence changes the way we understand the prehistoric world. Advances in technology give us better insights into fossils that have been sitting in the basements of museums for years. To love dinosaurs, you have to open your mind to all the new information and allow your preconceived notions to fall to the side. You have to evolve or go extinct. Too soon?
Club Rex was born from that kid drawing in his text book and doing miserably at math. Club Rex is an outlet for all dinosaur-kids to share their ideas in a safe space, free from ridicule and the kids who “just don’t get it’. It’s for everyone who wants to stay up-to-date on the latest discoveries and newest theories. Club Rex is for me, and you, and more than anything, the simple and pure love of dinosaurs.
Welcome to Club Rex. If you love dinosaurs, we just became best friends.